It starts right here with the choices you are making and the actions you are taking.
Or it can end right where you are in this moment with the decisions you are making and the anti-conscious actions you are taking.
I remember the moment I realized I was ‘on my own two feet’. Meaning, my parents were no longer my sole source of money and support and that I was paying for myself now. It was the first time I paid for the dentist myself at age 22. It was a shock of sorts that woke me up to the fact that I was on a different track than I had been. I was an adult, sort of. What exactly was that going to be for me?
I spent the majority of my 20’s avoiding having to deal with life; like bills and money and relationships and my body. I just wanted to smoke pot, have a lot of sex, eat whatever I wanted with no consequence and not be responsible for me or anything else. My attention went about as far as when the next yoga class was, who I was...
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