Welcome to
Global Wizardry and Beyond.
In 2020, we started something called Earth Wizards!
It is not a class or program; it is a challenge, a movement and a continuous co-creation. Over the past 18 months it has had taken many forms and different people have taken the lead on this particular magic in motion.
We now have over 40,000 people creating together for the earth and for our future!
In 2021, we kicked the year off with a 24hr round the world GLOBAL WIZARDRY Event .. and then we did it again in January 2022!
A worldwide continuous wave of Access Consciousness clearings in all languages, from countries all over the world:
After a phenomenal KICK OFF CALL WITH DR DAIN HEER, there were 48 consecutive Facebook Lives, from over 40 countries, led by Access Consciousness facilitators running the same clearings in 23 different languages!
Would you like to keep the energy going?
➥ Join the Earth Wizards Facebook Group (see the link below)
➥ Watch and listen back to DR DAIN HEER'S KICK OFF CALL in Earth Wizards - now in ALL LANGUAGES (under the GUIDE SECTION)
➥ Watch and listen back to all Global Wizardry FB lives in Earth Wizards (under the GUIDE SECTION)
➥ ENJOY A FREE CLEARING LOOP by clicking below.
What magic can we continue to be and create together for the earth and for our future?
A gift for you!
With Dain Heer, Brendon Watt and Simone Milasas
➥ Listen and receive the energy of the Global Wizardry with this CLEARING LOOP. Featuring clearings spoken by Brendon Watt, Simone Milasas, and Dr. Dain Heer.
➥ Watch and enjoy the video replay of the kick-off Facebook live with Dr. Dain Heer